This is my first AngularJS posts! I am so excited to get it started…
I just finished working on my third AngularJS project. I have used AngularJS in Provider Hosted, SharePoint Hosted and an IIS web application now. I must say that my AngularJS skills and code got better with every project. My last two projects included all best practices mentioned by John Papa:
I wrote a whole bunch of directives and I will talk about them in future posts. I’ll start with very simple (and smart :)) directive. Basically, it helps my users to choose a date quickly. I used a date picker that comes with the UI bootstrap: to get started and provided my custom directive on top of it which helps you select today’s with one click and move the date forward or backward by a configurable interval . See picture below:
You can use the directive like this:
<div st-date-provider st-config="{title:'Today', daysOffset:1}" st-model="vm.filterC.deliveryDate"></div>
The st-config represents a JavaScript object with following properties
Parameter | Purpose |
title | Represents the title that you want to display to represent “Today” |
daysOffset | Number of days you want to allow your users to move forward or backward. |
minusTitle | Text you want to display for backward button. Optional. For example, you can set daysOffset = 7 and set minusTitle to “- Week” |
plusTitle | Text you want to display for forward button. Optional |
Another way you can set it up is:
<div st-date-provider st-config="{title:'Today', daysOffset:7, minusTitle:'Week', plusTitle:'Week'}" st-model="vm.filterC.deliveryDate"></div>
The dependencies for this directive is:
1. moment.js library for date manipulation
And finally the code for the Directive is:
$scope.provideDate = provideDate;
function provideDate(multiply) {
if (angular.isNumber($scope.stConfig.daysOffset)) {
if (!angular.isDate($scope.stModel)) {
$scope.stModel = common.getToday();
$scope.stModel = moment($scope.stModel).add('days', $scope.stConfig.daysOffset * multiply).startOf('day').toDate();
app.directive('stDateProvider', ['config', function (config) {
var directive = {
restrict: 'EA',
controller: 'stDateProviderCtrl',
scope: {
stModel: "=",
stConfig: "="
template: '<span>' +
'<span class="pointer" ng-click="provideDate(-1)"><i class="fa fa-chevron-circle-left"></i></span>' +
'<span class="pointer" ng-if="stConfig.minusTitle" ng-click="provideDate(-1)"> {{stConfig.minusTitle}}</span>' +
'<span class="pointer" style="margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px" ng-click="provideDate(1)">{{stConfig.title}}</span>' +
'<span class="pointer" ng-if="stConfig.plusTitle" ng-click="provideDate(1)">{{stConfig.plusTitle}} </span>' +
'<span class="pointer" ng-click="provideDate(1)"><i class="fa fa-chevron-circle-right"></i></span>' +
return directive;
thanks for sharing information,nice article
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